
A Sustainable World of Nature, ONLY when Humans live Sustainable Lifestyles

The life-changing lesson of the Global Coronavirus pandemic is that the World of Nature, harmed by unsustainable human lifestyles and demographic changes, is being impacted upon by cascading climate change, extinction of species, air and water pollution and degradation of ecosystems, all of which in turn are resulting in the economic meltdown and societal breakdown, threatening the very fabric of human global society.

The fear and emotional pain that has been unleashed by COVID19 as it reaches every geographical corner of the human world is unprecedented. It has vividly made clear that any harm caused to Nature is only harm done to us. We are not separate from Nature, we are Nature itself. To protect ourselves, we must protect Nature.

In these times of lockdown and social distancing, we need to look within and think of how we can behave as humane beings not only towards our own brothers and sisters but also towards the other thirty million species that inhabit Planet Earth, which constitute the World of Nature. We are experiencing the tragedy of our loved ones dying behind glass doors. We are afraid for our children, our elders and everyone else, all at risk from Covid-19. The direct and reverse zoonosis  implications of the news that Tigers and Lions have been infected by a Zoo staff member with Covid19, may have profound implications for the evolution of zoonosis and reverse zoonosis transmission in the future.

If we are to become humane beings, we must become sustainable beings. We cannot continue our lifestyles of materialism, greed and waste without putting our own future and the livelihoods of our future generations at risk. We need to be decisive about living sustainably and in harmony with Nature or else we will be exposed to waves of new pests and mutating viruses to which we will not in all probability have the time to develop effective measures –  including producing essential vaccines – to protect ourselves.

Let us make the best use of this period of lockdown by strengthening our immunity with healthy eating and natural herbal supplements as well as balanced physical, mental and spiritual exercises. We need to devote this time of mandatory quarantine to reflect on our commitment today to living sustainably in harmony and peace with the Nature as well as equitably with fellow human beings. Whilst human spirit will prevail with respect and living in harmony with Nature, we must never forget that if Humans do not put an end to destruction of Nature, Nature will put an end to Humanity.

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